Laboratorio MARE - dip. PAU

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SIS - SICS english


SIS/ SICS Sections

The SIS/ SICS Sections carrying out in situ, non-destructive investigations*, work in the following research topics:

  • analysis of behavioral and structural resources, assessing the level of degradation of masonry elements, wood and reinforced concrete and simple;
  • monitoring and structural control, that aims to identify and quantify the kinematics;
  • environmental monitoring, to understand the level of exposure to environmental degradation.

*These are meant all methods of identifying, testing and inspection carried out on site, the artifact under investigation or on some parts of it that do not involve destructive action on the analyzed material component elements. Among these cognitive operations, diagnostic features include the investigation of structural materials, aimed at identifying the behavior of the same materials used for manufacturing facilities.

Equipment supplied:


  • Ultrasonic detection (shell, wood, concrete)
  • Covermeter mapping
  • Detection hammer
  • Resistografph profiles
  • Typing with Pilodyn
  • Frattometer
  • Extraction with pull-out,
  • Infrared Thermography,
  • Structural monitoring with fessurimeters plate and Electronic
  • Endoscopy
  • Transcriptions environmental humidity.

The investigations are conforming to the NTC08
The SIS section has certificated technicians RINA CND civil level II (UN EN 473) for these methods: ultrasonic test, pacometer test, sclerometric test and structural monitorings.

Main activities carried out:

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