M.A.RE. Laboratory (Materials and Analisys for REstauration)
The PAU. Department (Urban and Architectural Heritage) of the University of Reggio Calabria, instituted in 1989, has as privileged field of research and testing that of knowledge, preservation and development of historic, architectural, archaeological and urban heritage.
Since 2003 it has enabled the MARE Laboratory (Materials and Analisys for REstauration) now fully operating and with future perspectives of expansion. This structure, directed by prof. arch. Simonetta Valtieri, aims to provide tools for understanding the architectural and environmental heritage, in order to pursue restoration, preservation and enhancement.
To do that, it takes advantage of experimental science, aimed at to acquire knowledge of analytical and diagnostic tests, allowing characterization of materials, resource assessment of behavioral structures, assessment of conservation status, search for availability of local raw materials, testing of products for restoration, analysis and control of micro and macro environmental and contextual factors, useful for the determination of intervention methods on the architectural and environmental heritage.
The MARE Laboratory is divided into several sections:
Laboratory Investigations Section:
SIL (Supervisor prof. Letterio Mavilia): Performs chemical investigations.
SIMP Supervisor prof. Giuseppe Mandaglio): nvestigations Section and Mineralogical-petrographical: performing investigations aimed at characterization of materials and study of degradation mechanisms, the search for the availability of local raw materials, testing of products for restoration.
Technical supervisor dott. Antonio Gambino.
In Situ Investigations Section (Supervisor prof. Vittorio Ceradini):
SIS - Performs diagnostic tests on the structures (technical supervisor dott. Alessia Bianco).
SICS - Investigations Section for Conservation Sustainable: performing investigations for analysis and control of micro and macro environmental factors (related to the laboratory: ing. Francesco Rosario Nicoletti, dott. Simona Bruni).
Outstanding instrumental Section (Supervisor prof. Giuseppe Lonetti, technical supervisor prof. Lorenzo Pio Massimo Martino):
SERIL - Sections of surveys on Architectural Heritage, Archaeological, Urban and Environmental Engineering. The MARE Laboratory is equipped with a system of Leica 3D laser scanner, the latest generation, for the relief of historic architecture and archaeological sites, the graphic rendering (CAD) and the publication in multimedia format, this is a strategic competence to be utilized the historical architectural heritage.
The experimental results of scientific research are widely documented and disseminated in the "PAU Department Papers", participation in conferences, etc.
TARIFFARIO Laboratorio M.A.RE ------------- Messiah Project