SIL/SIMP Sections
The SIL/SIMP Sections are scientific unities of Laboratory with a broad range of small, medium and large analytical instruments to offer multiple solutions, in support of various sectors and in particular of study and preservation of materials. They are able to produce knowledge of chemistry, physics, mechanics and heat on materials ranging from simple weight measurement volume to the most complex microstructure of a solid knowledge of either a natural or man made simple or composite, to amorphous or crystalline structure such as a metal, a ceramic, glass, a concrete, stone, mortar, etc.. Can be developed and monitored process of transforming raw materials into products and checked on them several quality indices, according to the application of specific regulations. They can also analize various materials and products, studies and assessment of durability and effectiveness of those scheduled for display in a controlled environment when applied preservatives
Equipement supplied:
- These sections of the Laboratory investigations perform analysis aimed at the characterization of materials. The main analytical solutions offerings include: the chemical-physical and mineralogical-petrographic stone materials (marble and various stones), lithoid (bricks, ceramics, mortar, plaster, stucco, concrete) used in buildings of historic and artistic interest, the study of degradation and alteration thereof;
- Testing of products and techniques to be applied to solve problems related to cleaning and restoration of elements belonging to the architectural and environmental heritage;
- Archaeometry aimed at establishing provenance and production technology and/or processing of stone, ceramic and lithoid, from archaeological excavations or museum collections;
- Study of techniques and materials used in the layers of support of the mural paintings, the nature of the pigments used in the various layers, the processes of aging and the most appropriate methods of cleaning and recovery;
- Mechanisms underlying the processes of degradation and deterioration of materials due to natural phenomena weatering or pollution;
- Analysis of local resources availability, quality and properties of raw materials (aggregates, clay, limestone, marl, non-metallic minerals, etc..), that contribute, with appropriate technology, to produce the material components (mortar, plaster, stucco, pigments, etc..) for use in the recovery of historical buildings.
Main activities carried out: